Tagged as: students

Social networking on students education

The dangers of social networking for young people’s education

Introduction  Social networks have become an essential part of our lives, providing platforms for communication, entertainment and even education. However, despite their obvious benefits, social networks present potential dangers that can seriously compromise the education of today’s young people.   Constant distractions One of the main concerns is the tendency

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Introduction: A student entrepreneur is a student who develops and manages a business alongside their studies. In Africa, student entrepreneurship is thriving and represents a tremendous asset for the continent’s economic development. The African Union (AU), aware of this potential, has made youth entrepreneurship one of its priorities. The AU’s

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Fostering Hope for African Students in the Face of Conflict

Introduction Hope serves as a powerful force that sustains individuals through challenging times. In Africa, where many communities face the constant threat of violence and conflict, hope plays a crucial role in empowering students to persevere and pursue their education. However, the very conditions that jeopardize their progress also pose

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The Effects of Inclusive Policies on Mozambican Students’ Academic Achievement

Introduction Historically, in the 1940s and 1970s, it was notable that segregation was a present factor in the international education systems, where only students without disabilities had the pleasure of attending public schools, whereas students with disabilities or learning difficulties were not given the required attention and were placed in

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Stress-Free Success: Techniques for Approaching School Exams with Confidence

Introduction Assessment, be it diagnostic, formative, summative or certificative, has always been a stressful time for learners. If they are well prepared, they will be able to cope with this essential moment in school life with greater serenity. Focusing on summative and certificative assessments such as official examinations, we will

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Lost in Translation: The Struggles of African Pupils with Foreign Languages

Introduction Examples from everyday life have proven that most African students experience difficulties in understanding the language when it comes to courses given in class. African constitutions give the status of official language of expression to foreign languages. A foreign language is taught in all educational structures, from primary to

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Quality Education


The competency-based curriculum is the new education system in Kenya that is set to replace the 8-4-4 system (eight years of primary schooling, four years at the secondary level, and a minimum of four years of university education), which has been in operation since 1985. It was introduced in 2017

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