

The adage that a book is the ideal place to hide something from an African expresses a deep reality. This situation can certainly be explained by the predominance of the oral tradition and the failure of the education system. However, the world is today a global village where young Africans must make their mark in the fields of socio-professional, cultural, political, economic, and technological leadership. Reading is therefore essential to this African revolution.

Why read relentlessly?

“Whoever travels far spares his mount.”. Young Africans must build up a very rich intellectual heritage through reading. Indeed, reading allows them to discover new topics, explore different cultures, and develop knowledge in several fields. It helps them improve their communication skills and contributes to their academic success. In addition, reading exposes young Africans to fictional stories, inspiring narratives, and innovative ideas, which stimulates their imagination and develops their creativity. Through reading, young Africans open up to other horizons, allowing them to understand and explore other countries and ways of life. In this way, they will take an interest in their history, rewrite it, and make it stand.

Reading: A Generational Challenge

To encourage young Africans to read, it is important to give them access to a variety of books adapted to their ages and interests. Parents, educators, and libraries can play a vital role in creating an environment conducive to reading and organizing literature-related activities. There are also projects and initiatives in Africa that seek to promote reading among young people, such as the creation of mobile libraries, the organisation of reading clubs, and the establishment of support programmes for reading in schools. African states must make the promotion of reading a priority. 


The ship of the world’s evolution is moving quickly with its inventions. Young Africans have already missed several episodes. As the saying goes, “better late than never.” So now is the time to play a part in building the new Africa. Reading is a golden way to achieve this, because “it is not because we are black that we are exploited, it is because we are exploited that we are black.”

Millogo Marcel Minkha


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