Right for Education Right for Education is Africa’s largest life long learning and mentoring resource. Combining a wealth of cultural and practical articles, we shine a light on life across Africa – past, present and future – and provide our community with the tools to make that future for themselves.


Empowering African Learners: Right for Education Foundation Partners with DataCamp Donates to Offer Scholarships in Data Science and AI

In today’s digital age, data is one of the most powerful tools for innovation, decision-making, and career advancement. However, accessing the training and skills necessary to thrive in fields like data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning can be a challenge for many, especially in Africa, where opportunities in

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Transit routes in Africa: The case of Mozambique

Africa’s economic growth depends largely on access routes that leverage the flow of products from districts to cities, as well as the international flow of products and goods, opening floodgates for the creation of more companies and fast communication points.   Road integrity in Mozambique Mozambique is unified from North

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Building a Culture of Preserving Indigenous Language

Indigenous languages are more than just means of communication but they historically embody an essence of who we truly are as humanity. It also shapes our values, beliefs, and our unique ways of responding to the inevitable life situations.  Challenges to Indigenous Language Preservation Language preservation faces significant challenges that

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Africa’s AI Revolution: Strategies to Drive Future Growth and Innovation

Artificial Intelligence and technology are being embraced so fast in Africa that the continent, once thought to be skeptical about these technologies, is now shaping its own future in technology. From Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa to Egypt, these are the tech hotspots where the spirit of entrepreneurship has created

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