Tagged as: Mali

Locals protesting to end corruption. Photo credit - Afrinz.ru

Corruption in Mali: Actors, Causes and Solutions

Introduction Like many African countries, Mali is unfortunately facing the challenge of corruption, a phenomenon that is compromising its development and is also a source of social imbalance and frustration.   Actors in Corruption: The Corruptor-Corrupted Duo As the saying goes, there is never a bribe without a bribe-taker. This

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Accelerating Digital Development in Mali with AI

Mali: Accelerating Digital Development Using AI

Introduction Despite its technological delay, Mali has the opportunity to catch up thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) which presents itself as a powerful engine capable of propelling the country towards digital development. The recent AI revolution, embodied by models such as ChatGPT, has reignited debate on the subject and its

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Living together: an asset for lasting peace in Mali

Living together: an asset for a lasting peace in Mali

Introduction According to the multiple definitions given to it, living together is based on values such as respect for others, acceptance and plurality of opinions, interactions with openness and cooperation. Living together in peace means accepting differences, listening, respecting and esteeming others in a spirit of peace and harmony. The

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David Miliband on the International Rescue Committee and Malnutrition: ‘The biggest problem is the idea that we can’t conquer it.’

David Milliband is the CEO of the International Rescue Committee, which is a humanitarian organisation that helps people affected by conflict, war, and natural disasters. Before that, he was the UK Foreign Secretary. Right For Education met David Miliband at the World Innovation Summit for Health last year, where he

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