All Posts by Derick Nandabi

What Makes Boycotts Effective in Changing Company Policies?

Introduction In recent times, individuals have increasingly become emotionally invested in supporting or opposing controversial topics such as gender rights, immigration, racial equality, and social welfare. They expect businesses and organizations to take a stand and publicly advocate for or against these issues. Some companies respond by changing their policies

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Fast Fashion

Is Fast Fashion an Environmental Issue?

Introduction The fashion industry, a significant global player, has evolved beyond merely producing clothes, becoming a social and cultural phenomenon. With trends changing rapidly, the industry’s dynamics shifted dramatically in 1990 when Zara launched its first collection, introducing the term “fast fashion.” This concept focuses on quickly producing garments that

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Abortion Debate

Navigating the Abortion Debate: An Exploration of Perspectives and Implications

Introduction The issue of abortion has been a subject of intense debate, polarizing societies and sparking passionate arguments from both supporters and opponents. This article aims to delve into the complexities of the abortion debate, shedding light on the major arguments made by each side and exploring the diverse legal,

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Harriet Tubman: the great Woman in the Slave History

Introduction Born into slavery in the state of Maryland, Tubman developed a knowledge of the Underground Railroad that allowed her to guide enslaved people to freedom. Between 1850 and 1860, Tubman made at least 13 trips into the South, saving some 70 individuals. During the Civil War, Tubman served as

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Atomic Habits


Atomic habits are some of the small awful, and unhealthy behaviours which we often get addicted to without the sense of a rightful conscience. This usually results in some abnormal behaviour. We continuously drive ourselves into such behaviour due to excitement, comfort, or influence in that it becomes part of

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Digital footprints or digital shadows means the trail of data you leave behind while using social media platforms. Two kinds of digital footprints are known. Passive digital footprints collect information from an original media user without the user’s knowledge, while active digital footprints collect data with the user’s knowledge. Social

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Alcoholic consumption is one of the current and next-generation dangers to our domestic and professional conduct in the community – killing most of the prudent life skills and professional conduct which we are born with or even organically developed. In Uganda, these cases are evident in the outskirts of Kampala

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