


Love builds a relationship. It all starts when two people have mutual feelings for each other. It is exciting and sweet at the beginning. However, there are highs and lows in any love situation, and when the duels are not ready to mend and amend, the relationship can sadly end. 

Love is one of the big life themes in any life story; it’s one of the themes in any writing. We have watched it reflected in movies, soap operas, dramas, plays, novels and many more. Love stories are told in many dimensions, making them interesting to the viewers and readers, but they rarely point out some of the ingredients of relationships.

Best-tested ingredients for a relationship

  1. Self-love

The whole process of your creation is love oriented, from the spiritual concept to the physical world; God proposed your existence here on earth out of love. Your earthly Father and mother gave birth to you through the act of love. Your mother carried you out of love for an estimated nine months, until you developed into a mature person. Because of this, you learned to love and care for yourself. 

Self-love becomes one of the most important aspects of a relationship, so the love you hold for yourself allows you to share the love with others. You cannot share what you don’t have; therefore, you cannot share love when you don’t have love.

Self-love is compounded under forgiveness and being kind to yourself. Besides loving someone, leave something for yourself; you shouldn’t give in your whole for your partner; a relationship is healthy when each party loves themselves first.

  1. Respect

Without respect, cheating, unforgiveness, revenge, and many ugly things happen in a relationship which may lead to a sad breakup. 

If you respect someone you love, you accept that person the way they are and believe in their preference and desire. Talk to the person like an individual rather than using command language; with mature relationships, the language is an understanding one.

Immature relationships say, “Be this. Do that.” Mature relationships say, “Who do you want to be? What do you want to do?” You understand that this person is an individual who has their own preferences on music, fashion, politics, sex, or religion. 


  1. Trust

Trust is an essential part of the relationship; when there is no trust, there is no mutual understanding. This is where bad thoughts against whom you love come in; cheating and bad suspicions come in because you may suspect your love to be doing something awful. A relationship without trust is a situation of hell. Mostly mistrust is built on lust. 

Trust indicates knowing your partner; you can live miles away and still be honest with each other; there is no need to keep secrets from each other because this would harm the relationship and break the trust. 

  1. Openness

Be open in terms of communication and thinking. Always talk things over in person, not just through social media. When you talk, communicate. Do not just hear your partner out, listen attentively. 

When you analyze happenings in your relationship, be open-minded. Think freely but critically about where to celebrate your anniversary, what your partner said last night, or when to let go of issues.

  1. Passion

Love without passion is a charm, just like faith without actions. For love to exist, Passion in a relationship indicates interest. Passion in a relationship has to be equal way from both partners; when there is passion in a relationship, everything works out easily, and you don’t get tired of constantly passing through all the life challenges together, this is basically because you hold a passion for each other. However, passionate love is said to be a fire that can easily die out, and you don’t have to put your passion at a high. Keep it slow and spontaneous to keep the fire burning.


Love is when two people unknown to each other share the same feelings for each other. love is built on commitments; when you fulfil those commitments, you will then enjoy the fruits of love.

Derick Nandabi


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