Climate Change has become an enemy to everyone around the world with governments introducing intergovernmental organizations to implement measures to mitigate and deal with climate change. Climate Change is understood as the change in weather patterns and high temperatures. Following heavy rain in KwaZulu-Natal province between 11 – 21 April 2022, the province has suffered major destruction. The floods have had a huge impact on the people, thousands of people had been displaced from their homes.
How has Climate Change threatened Human Rights?
According to Article 25 of the Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to living standards of adequate health, clothing, food, housing, social services and medical care. People are already having difficulties maintaining their survival because of the lack of food (starvation) and shelters. Climate change consequences are associated with heavy rainfall that led to floods, and as a result, people’s lives and land become washed in the process. Climate change poses a threat to fundamental rights to health, life, and food security for individuals. As the case of KwaZulu-Natal.
Government and NGO Response
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), national and provincial governments have been making efforts to provide the victims with clean water, shelter, and food. The floods have led to 435 fatalities, confirmed by the government. People’s home, schools and clinics were destroyed with sewage polluting clean waters. This has become one of the deadliest natural disasters to hit the country to date. President Ramaphosa has further indicated that the recent floods in KwaZulu-Natal are a sign that climate change is upon us.
The Role of South Africa in Decarbonisation
Climate change in the world has been associated with human activities. For instances, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal gas and oil. Climate change has resulted in global warming, extreme weather and temperature patterns. South Africa is one of the countries in the world at the forefront devising methods to mitigate global warming. South Africa is embarking in the journey of reorganizing its energy sector by upgrading the grid and ramping up renewable energy production. South Africa heavily rely on coal plants for electricity, but the new agreements, with the assistance of European countries, South Africa will embark on a decarbonisation resort to clean energy. The renewable energy in South Africa will lower the Carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere and keep global warning below 1.5 Celsius.
Climate change needs to be taken seriously. The frequent floods in KwaZulu-Natal show the world that governments must work together in finding ways to mitigate climate change and global warming. Governments must oversee and charge heavy tax to industries that produce higher carbon emissions in the atmosphere. South Africa as country with rich coal production has taken the biggest step in resorting to clean energy. There is a greater need to increase investments in climate adaption measures to safeguard communities against the effects of climate change.