Healthy Home



Never underestimate the power of a healthy home environment. For some, “home” can simply refer to the place they call “home,” while for others, it can be a “feeling,”  a feeling of love and care. Our homes and families are supposed to be the places where we feel the most comfortable, and to build a home; we need an emotional connection.

A home can significantly shape or influence who and how we become later in life. A healthy home is crucial for us to have a meaningful life.

What does a healthy home look like?

A healthy home provides a child with a sense of belonging and safety. A healthy home creates a happy family, and families physically and emotionally care for one another. They rely on love, unity, and open communication and require all family members’ participation.

When a family shares values and principles, they grow together. Each member of the family should feel the same sense of warmth and security when they come home. Home is where we learn about happiness, how to be comfortable with ourselves, cope, love, and live with others.

Family life experiences significantly impact our competence, strength, and well-being.  Children begin to watch what adults do from a very early age, and if a strong set of family values is what they pick up, they will have a firm foundation and a good sense of moral character. We learn how to express and control ourselves from our family environment. A home that fosters a healthy sense of self-reliance built around strong values naturally promotes a sense of healthy responsibility.

A child from a healthy home with social, emotional, and physical support is more likely to reach his or her full potential and experience better health outcomes in adulthood. They grow up to become confident and resilient individuals with healthy relationship skills.

Tips for building a healthy family

Building a healthy family is essential for the development of both individuals and society. To build a healthy home, we need to:

  1. Offer help and support to each other.
  2. Show love and affection through hugs and kisses, kind words, and spending quality time together as a family.
  3. Come up with ways to share experiences.
  4. Be open to discussing hard and emotional things one might be dealing with.


Having a healthy family relationship supports your child’s well-being and development. They later become happy and prosperous adults, making it easy for them to navigate life’s challenges. Nothing compares to the love and warmth of a family. A family that is rooted and grounded in love lasts forever.


Harriet Nyagah Muthoni


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