Egyptian pyramids are not the only ones. The ancient Nubians, from modern-day Sudan, built more pyramids than the Egyptians! There are 220 still standing today. They were built from around 300 BCE to 200 CE.
Egyptian pyramids are not the only ones. The ancient Nubians, from modern-day Sudan, built more pyramids than the Egyptians! There are 220 still standing today. They were built from around 300 BCE to 200 CE.
There were two types of theatre plays in Rome: tragedy, and comedy. There is a legend that a man called Livius Andronicus was the first Roman playwright. He apparently wrote both comedy and tragedy around 240 BCE, but his works do not survive
When Rome was founded in the 8th century BCE by the brothers Romulus and Remus, there was already a huge empire in Africa: Egypt. It began to develop around 3,100 BCE, and reached its peak between 1550 and 1069 BCE.