Tagged as: animal

Rhino Horn: The Illegal Trade Route from South Africa to Vietnam

RHINO HORN: THE ILLEGAL TRADE ROUTE FROM SOUTH AFRICA TO VIETNAM There are 20,000 white rhinos in Africa today; they are classified as “near threatened”. While this statistic alone is shocking, black rhinos (who have smaller mouths than white rhinos) are classed as “critically endangered”. Only 5,000 of them remain.

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Africa and the Theory of Evolution

Over time, certain features of an animal species can change in order to help the animals survive in their environment. This process is called evolution. It occurs because, when animals are born, they inherit their traits from their parents. Animals with certain traits are more likely to survive and reproduce,

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Are Cheetahs Running to Extinction?

Cheetahs are one of Africa’s most beautiful, and most endangered big cats. They are the fastest land animal in the world, running at speeds of up to 120km/h (75mph). That’s the same as the speed limit on South African freeways. Cheetahs are a charismatic species, that define the African Savannah,

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Moths and Butterflies: How to tell them Apart

This article is the second in a two-part series on butterflies. These fascinating insects can be quite difficult to differentiate from their cousin, the moth. This article tells you all you need to know to spot both species in the wild, and explains why they are important economically and ecologically.

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How does a Caterpillar turn into a Butterfly?

The beautiful winged insects we recognise as butterflies are actually in the fourth and final stage of their life cycles. But how did they get there? This article is the first of a two-part series on butterflies. WHAT ARE BUTTERFLIES? Butterflies are insects found all over the world, and come

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