A stressed woman thinking about suicide, but above her lies an important solution. Photo credit - AI Generated

Why do Some People Take the Easy Way Out when they are Faced with Problems?


Although the legality of suicide became a concern in certain countries during the late Middle Ages, this has not eliminated the prevalence of the act. The first recorded case of suicide cannot even be pinned down, nor has there been a decline in its occurrence. This raises questions about one’s moral compass and the human approach to life’s challenges. From religious allegories to Greek philosophy, the complexity of life and death remains: Why do some people take the easy way out when faced with problems?


Why Suicide Is Often Chosen Among Other Options

Many individuals facing emotional, psychological, or social issues may lack awareness of, or access to, other options. In many cases, this stems from socio-economic challenges. Victims often perceive non-monetary assistance as ineffective or inaccessible.


For some, feelings of helplessness from illness, pain, and trauma can isolate them, making suicide seem like the only solution for themselves and their loved ones. Others experience pressures such as people-pleasing, hyper-dependency, and altruistic tendencies, which leave them emotionally drained.


The media also plays a role. Subtle indoctrination through content on suicide can plant subconscious ideas. When emotions are bottled up, suicide might appear relatable or familiar, leading to a tragic conclusion.


Failing to regulate emotions, particularly when dealing with loss or strained relationships, and not seeking help further complicates matters. A lack of self-awareness or an effective support structure can exacerbate this. Cultural, social, and gender biases also discourage vulnerable individuals from accessing psychological or psychiatric services. The resulting shame and fear often lead them to see no alternative but suicide.


Peer pressure, bullying, and harassment are additional contributors, especially for younger individuals. Many people are unaware that suicidal thoughts are far more common than they imagine and can be addressed with appropriate conversations. However, the lack of the right audience or resources leaves them to deal with their struggles alone.


Despite global mental health awareness initiatives, many individuals still lack access to information or support. Affordability, convenience, and dependence on substances further hinder their ability to seek or receive help.



Suicide is often dismissed as a selfish act, yet the underlying reasons are rarely dissected. Statistics indicate that males die by suicide at four times the rate of females, while depression is twice as common in females. The interplay between societal factors and the personal “shadow self” sheds light on why some individuals choose to take the easy way out amidst life’s challenges.

Kamogelo Seete


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