A teacher teaching her students with a tablet, and the kids have tablets too. Photo credit - Getty Images

The Impact of Innovative Education and Learning Methods


With the ever-changing times, methods of learning that worked back then might probably not work in the present. Imagine a world where education knows no bounds and has no limits; technologies and innovative methodologies are used to ignite creativity, imagination, and learning. Innovative learning methods are methods that make learning more fun, engaging, technological, and more memorable. From AI-powered learning to something so simple as demonstrations and practicals – the list is endless. 


The Benefits of Innovative Education and Learning Methods

The benefits of innovative education can vary from school to school. All the benefits are equally important. but whether a school has one or many benefits, they are all the same and are still so important. It can be super fun for the students and the teachers because it encourages creativity and use of the imagination. The innovative methods will improve problem-solving and critical thinking because they will allow students to solve problems effectively and creatively, and to also think critically about solutions and demonstrations for future problems. The classroom is brought to life in a variety of ways: lessons become clearer; students are more vocal and free to express themselves; socialisation is increased; and teachers engage more with students. Research is encouraged more because learners can be able to look for new things and tools to broaden their minds. There are many benefits available, and these benefits will be for the success of the classroom and the school. 


Key Characteristics for Effective Education and Learning Methods

But, before getting these benefits, you need to identify the characteristics of each learning method, such as individualised learning paths, technology integration, real-world relevance, etc.; each of these (and more) are very important. Like any method, it must be centered on something; in this case, it is the students. The needs and engagement of students must always be prioritised so that active participation can be fostered in the learning process. Flexibility and adaptability are essential because not every student is the same; a teacher needs to adapt to diverse learning styles for every type of child, and that teacher needs to be flexible in content delivery and new teaching methods. 


Traditional vs. Modern Methods: Which is Better?

But what about the traditional learning that has worked for years, and still works today? Should we just leave it alone? No, we should not entirely abandon the traditional method; instead, we should make it better by improving it. For example, instead of just teaching on the blackboard, make it fun by using colours, bold words and examples, using song and dance, etc. – it doesn’t have to be technological. Or, for Physics for example, instead of doing a boring slideshow of how things work, actively demonstrate it to the students; bring the material, the goggles, everything – turn the lesson into a fun, practical overload. All in all, no matter what method is used, make sure that the learning experience is remembered, and that the students have that feeling of “I have learned something today”. 



So, teachers and students embrace innovation. Embrace the future. Embrace making learning fun and engaging. It will do you both good, and it makes going to school just the more enjoyable. 


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Siphiwe shongwe


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