Tagged as: finances

REdy Africa Partners with APEX Proprietary Fund to Empower African Traders

We are excited to announce a significant partnership that marks a new chapter for traders across Africa. REdy Africa, a leading platform dedicated to connecting organizations and individuals with opportunities across the continent, has officially partnered with APEX Proprietary Fund, a premier name in the world of trading. About APEX

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An African young woman counting money, image by Adobe stock

Do traditional gender roles affect women’s financial decisions in Zimbabwe?

Introduction Traditionally men have been regarded as breadwinners in the family and that has slightly changed over the years. The confinement of women to domestic affairs has since changed as more women are now empowered and even earn more money than their counterparts. The challenge in this modern gendered society

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Introduction Financial literacy is defined as the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills which include personal financial management, budgeting and investing. This article will look at the principles of financial literacy, the importance of being financially literate and how one can become financially literate.   What are the

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Financial plan

Strategies for a Successful Financial Plan

Introduction In today’s dynamic and uncertain world, financial planning has become crucial for individuals and families seeking long-term financial prosperity and security. Effective financial planning enables individuals to set objectives, plan to spend, save for emergencies, and invest adequately, helping them accomplish their short-term goals and ensure a wealthy and secure

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