Take a look at our fabulous magazines, created by the R:Ed Student Society at Oxford University and their associates: Booming Thirst: The Politics of Water Home Cuisine
Take a look at our fabulous magazines, created by the R:Ed Student Society at Oxford University and their associates: Booming Thirst: The Politics of Water Home Cuisine
Sky Alpha HD is one of Lesotho’s most popular radio stations, broadcasting a dynamic mix of talk shows, music and news. Since 2020, Red has partnered with Sky Alpha, HD to create engaging radio based on Right for Education’s extensive content library. Thanks to Sky Alpha’s talented presenters, we are
We are proud to be partnering with The Wikimedia Foundation to increase access to knowledge across Africa. Through our partnership, we have been one of the first organisations globally to integrate Wikimedia’s new Preview Feature, which links our content directly to Wikipedia. To use this feature, click on the !
The World Challenge Club is a revolutionary educational program designed for students without easy access to schooling. The WCC was created in response to the 2020 corona virus. As the pandemic forced shut downs across the world, many schools in the developed world turned to the internet to facilitate teaching
Djo Moupondo is a Congolese-Swedish musician and entrepreneur working in the fields of music and media with his label La Clique Music as well as in the fields of financial technology and human resources with his company SODEICO Holding. Right for Education spoke with him about music culture and entrepreneurship
Dr. Markus Thill is the President of Bosch Africa and has been responsible for the group’s business in Africa since 2014. Right for Education sat down with him to talk about Bosch’s involvement in Africa, African job opportunities and Bosch’s work to improve the quality of life in Africa. How
Michael Beer works at Siemens Healthineers as Head of Enterprise Services. R:Ed sat down with him to talk about the solutions SIEMENS Healthineers offers to level up the healthcare system worldwide. Can you please tell us more about what exactly is Siemens Healthineers’ mission? Siemens Healthineers advises healthcare
Nomso Kana is a South African nuclear scientist. Right for Education spoke with her about her work, empowering women in STEM, and nuclear power in Africa. R:Ed: Please tell us about yourself and your work? I am a daughter, sister, and mentor to many but work as a broadband
Michael Ward works at The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as the manager of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for Development (PISA-D) project which is reaching its end on 3rd December 2020. R:Ed sat down with him to talk about the PISA-D initiative and the overall
Lansana Gberie is a Sierra Leonian researcher and Ambassador to the UN and Switzerland. Right for Education sat down with him to talk about post-conflict peacebuilding, the decline of military coups and the rise of ECOWAS. R:Ed: Could You Tell Us About Yourself And Your Work? My name is Lansana