All Posts by Athi-Enkosi Mapukuta

Source - Human Rights Watch

Celebrating Historical Feminist and Trail Blazers

Introduction The feminist movement has played a significant role in the liberation struggle and the fight for democracy during the apartheid regime in South Africa. Women have been at the forefront of the resistance against the regime’s racist and discriminatory policies and laws which oppressed the black population. The feminist

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Modern technology in eduucation

The Role of Modern Technology in Education

Introduction With the increasing advancement of technology in recent years, it has become necessary to integrate education with technology to enhance the learning experience and explore new ways of teaching to improve the curriculum. Technology plays a significant role in facilitating the growth and accessibility of education, utilizing various online

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South Africa Human Right Day

Human Rights Day

Introduction In terms of the Bill of Rights, which is regarded as the cornerstone of our constitution, every human being in the Democratic Republic of South Africa is entitled to equal human rights and may not be subjugated to oppression, abuse or discrimination, which is a violation of their rights.

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Freedom of Speech

The Significance of Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right afforded to every human being in democratic states that enables them to express their views, opinions and ideas without interference, restrictions, or obstruction, as long as they don’t contain hate speech or prejudice. As it enables everyone to express an opinion that

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