Writing down your thoughts can release stress. This can help to deal with negative memories from traumatic experiences. Less stress leads to better mental health, which improves the quality of life.
Writing down your thoughts can release stress. This can help to deal with negative memories from traumatic experiences. Less stress leads to better mental health, which improves the quality of life.
Every month, millions of girls and women everywhere in the world have their period. This article explains what a menstrual cup is and why it might be helpful during your period. What is a ‘period?’ ‘Menstruation,’ also called ‘a period,’ is when women who are not pregnant have blood come
INTRODUCTION ‘Abortion’ is the act of intentionally ending a pregnancy. Women have different reasons to have an abortion. The reasons and the safety of abortion depends on the woman’s social environment. It is difficult to measure the exact number of abortions in Africa because not all of them take place
Learning is a never-ending process. At school and university, there is a lot of content to learn, and there might be tests to take. By understanding how we learn best, we can save a lot of time. Neil Fleming is a teacher in New Zealand. As the senior inspector for
Every day, we have to understand and remember information. This can be difficult, especially studying for a test in school. You have to learn even more content when you study at university. It is often easier to learn about things we are interested in. Not only that: depending on how
Learning is a never-ending process. Especially at school and university, there is a lot of content to learn. Therefore, studying for a test can be very exhausting. By understanding how we learn best, we can make it easier for ourselves to remember information. The teacher Neil Fleming distinguishes between three
In Ghana, people suffering from mental health problems have historically been sent to prayer camps as a method of treatment. In these prayer camps, they are often shackled to trees and left there. Sometimes for years on end. The year 2017, the government of Ghana pledged to enforce a ban