A schoolgirl looking out the window, hoping for the future. Photo credit - Getty Images

L’Éducation, Clé de l’Avenir

Que nos oreilles sans rancœur  

Écoutent l’expression du cœur  

Dans ce parvis où fleurit la vie  

Dans ce corpus mignon de vie.  


Dans ce monde cuit en errance  

Pourtant devrait être référence  

L’éducation n’a plus sa place  

Pourtant elle mérite la classe.  


La première puissance mondiale,  

C’est l’éducation que l’Afrique  

Néglige, c’est l’histoire de valeur  

Que l’Afrique boycotte en douceur.  


Personne ne le fera à notre place,  

Nous sommes les seuls en classe.  

Au vu du monde qui nous entoure  

À la vie qui nous gratte à l’œil.  


L’éducation c’est l’évidence, voyons,  

Apprendre c’est une nécessité.  

Personne ne le fera à notre place,  

Nous sommes les seuls en classe.  


Dans l’ombre, la lumière attend,  

Chaque esprit est un diamant.  

Éveillons nos âmes, prenons notre temps,  

Pour bâtir un avenir éclatant.  

Poem description:

  1. The Importance of Education

   The poem talks about education as an essential key to the future. It insists that education should be a priority, despite the challenges present in society.

  1. The Need to Listen

   The first stanza emphasises the importance of listening to the voices and hearts of others. This indicates a need for dialogue and understanding in the educational process.

  1. Criticism of the Current Situation

   The poet criticises the fact that education is not valued in some societies, particularly in Africa. He describes the world as ‘wandering’, pointing to a lack of direction and fundamental values.

  1. Autonomy and Responsibility

   The repeated refrain ‘No one will do it for us, we are the only ones in the classroom’ reinforces the idea that the responsibility for education and training lies with each individual. This underlines the autonomy needed to build one’s own future.

  1. Human Potential

   The image of the mind as a ‘diamond’ suggests that each individual has immense potential that can be revealed and developed through education. It calls for taking the time necessary to grow and learn.

  1. Optimism for the Future

   The conclusion of the poem evokes a light in the darkness, symbolising hope and possibility. Education is presented as the means to a bright future.



In summary, this poem is a powerful plea for education as the foundation for a promising future. It encourages listening, and personal and collective commitment, while celebrating the potential of individuals. Education is presented not only as a necessity, but also as a path to freedom and fulfilment for Africa.

Jonathan Muetu


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