What is Climate change?

Climate change refers to the change or  a shift in the average weather condition of a place or an area over a certain period or certain time. It can be a change in the temperature or rainfall patterns. Climate change is a global concern; it can lead to many health hazards, yet it is something that many people are ignorant about. Climate change can cause a lot of damage to all life on earth (Human Life,Marine Life, Plant and Animal Life). 


The causes of Climate change are classified into two categories: Natural and Artificial causes. 

Naturally, the weather condition or Pattern changes due to natural causes like volcanic eruptions, changes in the orbit of the earth etc. For instance, after a volcano eruption, the atmosphere becomes polluted.  Plant Life, the topography of the soil, Marine Life around that particular area can all be destroyed because of the gasses, lava etc that emmitt  from that eruption. 

The artificial causes of Climate change involve human activities which hinder the climate or cause a shift in the Climate (average weather condition of a place). There are numerous activities that give birth to climate change. They are: Burning of fossil fuels and charcoal which emmitt harmful gasses into the atmosphere, Other forms of Air pollution (smokes or other factory wastes), Land pollution ( polluting our environment with waste), Deforestation ( the cutting down of trees grasses and shrubs), Using transportation, manufacturing goods etc. All these activities trigger a shift in the average weather condition of a place. 


What are the Effects of Climate change?

Climate change leads to Desertification, Drought, Global warming,Famine which will lead to Starvation  or Food shortage and Rising sea levels that have the tendency to provoke natural disasters like Tsunami and Flooding. All these are harmful to all life on earth and our activities are the very foundation for all these hazards in our environment.  


Notwithstanding, there are ways to minimize these activities in order to have a safe Earth for generations to come.  Keeping our environment clean is one way to Foster change. Pollution is a major cause for climate change and if  tackled or minimized, then there will be a safer atmosphere and water.


Recycling is another step to keep the environment clean. Afforestation ( planting of trees, grasses and shrubs where they were absent) and Reforestation ( The planting of trees, grasses and shrubs where they initially existed) are vital steps in the fight against climate change.



Minimizing industrial activities, less use of transportation etc are also ways to reduce the risk of a shift in weather conditions or patterns. Climate change is a global concern everyone must look into and also contribute in the fight against it. It is essential to know the Causes, Effects and also the Approaches in tackling it as a problem. 

“Think Green Earth;Afforest, Reforest and Recycle.”

Nafisatu Olayinka Deen


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