Have you ever figured out what the word family means? Is it something that has to do with biological relationships only or otherwise? Despite how one understands what a family is or means, there is always one true issue that the existence of a human being is as a result of the presence of a family from which they come from.
What is a family?
The word “family” alone is a powerful one as it raises up manifold meanings and views hence it comes with difficulty to define it.
Regularly, people define a family on this aspect:
- a father, a mother and children all living together under one roof, yet some define it as anything that includes love
Webster’s dictionary defines family as “a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.” This definition is a good starting point when trying to define what family consists of; however, there are modern day definitions that redefine what family is. Yet, do these definitions agree with an individual’s view? What does one think a family means?
Contemporary definition of the word family points to whether it is a mother and a father together, a single mom or a dad with kids, or maybe one’s friends that help to fill the emptiness that one’s natural family wasn’t able to accomplish. These are individuals that surround one with upkeep, concern, and love. These are the individuals who realise what one is going through up to its end, they make one lean by their sides but with love through life.
Modern day family perspective
Often in these modern days, people go for statements like “My kind of people” among others when relating to close relations that feel like the family. This is sometimes brought
about as a result of failure of the family of origin to meet the needs desired. Furthermore, causes such as family dysfunction, mistreatment, addiction and so on are not an exception to the contribution of the choice above.
In one of the articles on the issue of family, it shows that many people consider pals to be as close as or even closer than extended or immediate family. People whose close family members are missed tend to establish a family entity of buddies whose interests are similar and aims to become substitutions to an absent family arrangement. This type of a family is not a traditional one yet can be closer than a traditional building. Furthermore, some people despite having a supportive family come to have any extensive linkage of pals they deem to be second family or as an addition to their lawful family.
This issue of family is not always based on people being related at blood level for institutions such as, church, colleagues at work and pals among others also fit well to be considered a family. Therefore, whether a family refers to the family in which one was born into, adopted into and so on, this word has an important meaning.
Therefore, whether family is all about the family one was born into, adopted into, loved into, or have chosen, the word “family” alone has a significant and special meaning. It can evoke feelings of belonging, connectedness, love, respect, and support.