There is a common trend between Zimbabwe and South Africa, where the citizens are always fighting on social media especially X (twitter). Well, it’s probably common among neighboring countries, as they act like siblings. One example is a twitter war (twar) in 2023, and one South African labeled Zimbabweans as “international orphans”. Admittedly, this expression offended me as a patriotic Zimbabwean, and we lost that war just like that! That’s when it dawned on us, the migration crisis in the country is serious and we have been labelled “international orphans”.
Why migration is rampant in Zimbabwe:
The economic situation characterized by high unemployment rates, high inflation rates and limited job prospects in Zimbabwe has resulted in people fleeing the country. Zimbabweans are therefore trying to flee the country for greener pastures. The situation is made direr by the political environment. The alleged human rights violations, political instability, lack of constitutionalism, law fare, political persecution, and lack of free and fair elections have resulted in a compounded crisis. In search of better and stable lives and livelihoods many have left the country and become “international orphans” as described by the X user.
Effects of migration on the country:
Zimbabwe’s migration crisis is multifaceted. Analysts conclude that the exodus of millions of nationals for greener pastures has robbed the country of skilled professionals. For instance, as the covid-19 pandemic affected most countries across the globe, there has been an increase in demand for health care personnel. This has led to the exodus of doctors and nurses from the country. This brain drain has severe implications on the country’s healthcare, education, and other sectors. The achievement of national development goals is becoming uncertain. Socially, families have been fragmented and social structures threatened to the core as some migrants leave their loved ones behind. This separation from one’s support networks and the challenges in accessing remittances have led to a sense of isolation and vulnerability. A more distressing effect is experienced by minors who are left behind without parental care. These minors have been exposed to various forms of abuse and consequently an upsurge in deviancy.
Addressing the Crisis:
Resolving Zimbabwe’s migration crisis requires multi-faceted efforts. It entails creating an enabling environment that fosters economic growth, job creation, and stability within the country. Additionally, political reforms, respect for human rights, and the establishment of effective governance structures are essential to curb the push factors driving migration. Regional cooperation, including collaboration with neighboring countries, is also crucial in managing migration flows and ensuring the protection of vulnerable migrants. Corruption and abuse of public funds
The term “international orphans” encapsulates the struggles, sacrifices, and aspirations of Zimbabweans who have migrated. To mitigate the challenges faced by “international orphans” and address the migration crisis, Zimbabwe must strive for economic stability, political reforms, and regional cooperation. By doing so, the nation can reclaim its citizens and foster an environment where migration becomes a choice not a necessity.