Malian archaeological heritage is threatened with disappearance by several phenomena including looting [1], especially when we know that it is encouraged by the non-correspondence of the sites with the living reality of current communities and the existence of an international market (FANE Y., 2016 p 238).
In the commune of Kadiana (see map), many archaeological sites inventoried during the archaeological prospecting carried out in January 2021 as part of our Master’s thesis, were looted. This article presents a systematic inventory of these traces of looting. Interest in looting arose from the poor state of conservation of archaeological sites observed during our prospecting and the insufficiency of projects to destroy and fight against this scourge.
The methodology adopted for this research, in addition to the essential documentary review, combined oral surveys (with customary authorities, guides, former pillars, etc.) and a guided site visit in the field. The main collection tools were site inventory sheets and interview guides.
The results obtained show that 86% of the archaeological sites in the municipality of Kadiana are victims of looting (see graph).
According to this graph, in the commune of Kadiana, 64% of the archaeological sites inventoried are superficially looted, 22% in their entirety and 14% spared from looting, nine sites are completely looted, or 22% (KONATE A., 2022, p. 53).
We have counted two (02) forms of looting of archaeological sites: voluntary and involuntary. The voluntary form manifests itself in the search for precious objects, the destruction of sites during major development works, etc. It accounts for 5% of cases of looting. The involuntary form, practised by communities during daily activities: agriculture, banco extraction, burial, etc. 80% of archaeological sites are victims of involuntary looting compared to 20% of voluntary looting (see photos c and d).
Looting is carried out to illicitly enrich oneself and supply the galleries. It is also motivated by a lack of awareness of the importance of archaeological heritage. Looting is carried out in violation of the provisions of Law No. 2022-034 of July 28, 2022.
Looting destroys archaeological sites. Thus, the writing of community history, particularly in a region where oral sources are much criticized and contemporary written sources, remains problematic.
The general aspects of looting gleaned here present food for thought for the adoption of an effective protection policy for archaeological heritage. This policy must be participatory and respect parties.