
Africa, a cradle of cultural and geographical diversity, possesses an underutilized wealth: its arable lands. The African continent hosts 60% of the world’s arable lands; however, a significant portion of these resources remains underexploited. Agriculture remains the cornerstone for the livelihood of nearly 60% of Africa’s active population, contributing 17% to the gross domestic product and generating 40% of its foreign exchange earnings. Yet, Africa, particularly its sub-Saharan region, grapples with an alarming food crisis affecting more than 141 million people. Food self-sufficiency, the foundation of endogenous and sustainable development, remains a distant goal for many African nations.


Agripreneurship: A Glimmer of Hope


However, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of agripreneurship. Agripreneurship, a portmanteau of agriculture and entrepreneurship, represents an innovative solution to achieve food self-sufficiency and significantly reduce poverty in Africa.

This revolutionary approach involves applying entrepreneurial principles to the agricultural sector. Its objective? To create value and generate profits while enhancing food security. Agripreneurship takes various forms, from establishing new farms to integrating innovative technologies into existing ones. Agripreneurs are visionaries, motivated by innovation and the quest for new opportunities within the agricultural sector.


Concrete Examples of Agripreneurship

Agripreneurship is the realization of imagination in the service of agriculture. Here are some inspiring examples:


  1. Climate Change Resistance: A farmer developing a new variety of cereals resistant to climate change, ensuring a more stable harvest.


  1. Technology in Agriculture: An entrepreneur creating a revolutionary mobile application to help farmers manage their farms more efficiently, from crop planning to resource management.


  1. **Food Innovation:** A company transforming local agricultural products into new food or beverage items, thus creating new markets and opportunities for local farmers.


A Growing Sector


Agripreneurship is a burgeoning sector, offering countless opportunities for entrepreneurs. It is essential not only for the agricultural development of the continent but also for global food security. The impact of agripreneurship extends far beyond African borders, contributing to feeding a constantly expanding global population.




Agripreneurship represents much more than a simple agricultural approach; it is a true revolution for Africa. It provides the opportunity to transform underexploited arable lands into engines of economic development, stimulate innovation, and combat poverty at its roots. As agripreneurs continue to cultivate innovative ideas, food self-sufficiency and prosperity draw closer for Africa and the world at large.

Djabire Marwan Ouedraogo


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