Self Medication



Your health is your wealth. Self-medication is the use of medicinal products to treat self-diagnosed diseases or disorders or the periodic or frequent use of medication prescribed for chronic diseases or recurring diseases or symptoms. Self-medication is now becoming a public health challenge, especially among youth. In Africa, self-medication is quite easy due to some medicine from herbalists, and over-the-counter-medicine sellers among others. Thus, leading to the purchase of medicines without consulting medical doctors. Self-medication might feel good for a moment but both long-term and short-term negative consequences are obvious.

In this article, an analysis of the strengths,  weaknesses,   opportunities, and threats ( SWOT Analysis) of auto medication and casual purchases of medicines are reviewed.



  • Self-medication when used as a form of first aid with the help of a knowledgeable person is a necessity in every household and workplace. 
  • Self-medication is convenient and often used by busy people to help them work on and on without shutting down.  
  • Self-medication can increase your knowledge on Diseases and medicines especially as you research on the internet for a proper diagnosis of your ailment or symptom. 
  • The cost of self-medication is relatively low. 

 Most of these advantages are trivial and conditional, therefore not worth the risk. The weaknesses associated with auto medication have resulted in complicated health issues.


  1. The very first  weakness associated  with self-medication is the casual purchase of medicines

For fear of vigorous questioning by professional pharmacists, people tend to buy their medicines from medicine stores or drug hawkers. This is very dangerous because these vendors forfeit the storage guidelines, purchase guidelines and even the licensing guidelines. 

  1. Wrong  Diagnosis is the most common disadvantage of self-medication.  You are not a professional and your Diagnosis will certainly be based on speculation or the internet.  It’s a matter of life and death so no speculations!!!. Taking the wrong drug for the wrong reason is not allowed.  
  2. Self-medication can camouflage the Diseases leading to complications. Taking medication to calm symptoms like fever and pain can give a temporary feeling of wellness which is very dangerous. This can also lead to delays in seeking proper healthcare.
  3. In self-medication, you run the risk of facing dangerous adverse reactions and drug interactions.  This is because most of your actions are based on trial and error. 
  4. The worst of the consequences of self-medication and reckless purchase of medication is the proliferation and events of Non-Communicable Diseases over time. You can keep killing your liver, kidney, brain and stomach daily with Paracetamol, ibuprofen, herbs, drugs,  alcohol or even supplements without knowing. You might not know the state of your vital organs therefore ask your Doctor before taking any medication in order to prevent sudden deaths and/or disability.
  5. Some pregnant women have lost or deformed their  Babies due to self-medication.  Women and men as well have to be very vigilant because some medicines can affect the shape of sperm or even the process of implantation. 
  6. Dependence, ADDICTION and Antimicrobial resistance are the most notorious consequences of self þ0medication. 


The hospitals and health centers are your opportunities to grasp.  Get trained, informed and have proper health care whenever you fall sick. Despite the efforts, the prices of basic commodities and healthcare are still on the rise. This is a threat that could be beyond your control. Therefore treat your health with diligence. You can not get it back once you lose it. Avoid self-medication and reckless purchase of drugs.


The picture below presents a communiqué published by the Regional Delegate for Public Health in the North West Region of Cameroon informing the population about six children below the age of five who died after consuming a certain syrup. Therefore, beware and be warned; don’t fall victim.


Ngum Charissa Ngum.Charissa.Belembom


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