Africa as a continent has gone through long periods in its history. The continent has been the centre of world events since the beginning of time. Its role in history is well captured in various written sources, accounts of different historians and travellers, and the texts of major world religions. In its period of existence, the continent has encountered many events that have stemmed from within and outside its borders. The combined effects brought about by these developments managed to give rise to the system, which greatly reflects modern African society’s aspects of life. 

The forces from inside its borders and those from foreign excursions have formed the foundation of the continent’s main structure that defines its position in today’s world. The effects are noticeable in various disciplines ranging from governance forms, commerce, education and even in the cultural space, among many other fronts. Internal factors that have influenced the way of life resulted from interactions among the many communities on the continent. They engaged in trade and also participated in various cultural exchange programs. Conflicts and strife from within contributed much to the migration patterns that led to different people settling in all the corners of the massive continent. Contacts with the outside world also had their share in major developments that influenced the way of life in one way or another. Legitimate endeavours between Africa and some foreign nations brought several benefits to the continent. However, others were exploitative in nature, resulting in untold suffering, greatly affecting the land’s inhabitants. This was exacerbated by adventures of imperialism and the infamous government-sanctioned slave trade. Colonial expeditions created divisions and challenges that are still felt today.

There is a wide range of views that, over the years, have become synonymous with the name Africa. When people hear the mention of the name Africa, the first thing that rings in their minds is a place which is a hotbed of diseases, hunger, and poverty and the most underdeveloped part of the world. There are so many effects from past and modern experiences that have contributed to this negative portrayal of Africa in the international quarters. However, the continent doesn’t have to embrace historical determinism in shaping its destiny. Every generation has a role to play in the course of history. Much attention and focus should be paid to the part the Africans of today will have to play towards the continent’s transformation. Africans must take actions in the present that will have the future work for them. The days of continuously lamenting historical injustices as the main cogs behind the many mysteries the continent has been engulfed in seemed to have lapsed. The situation today demands actions and efforts from within to fully realize the great potential that the continent holds in establishing its stand on the world stage. This should be effected so that the future generation will reflect and, with pride, acknowledge the efforts made by those before them. 

Proactive reforms by people from all levels and all walks of life must be channelled towards this noble cause. One of these should be directed at carving a new African identity. The definition of what it means to be an African is greatly rooted in the coinages based on racial stereotypes and pseudo-scientific research programs, which so far have been dismissed as inaccurate after being established as hate-inspired science. It is worth noting that these identities were presented and projected from a one-sided historical point of view. This unreasonable approach resulted in great confusion that continues to mislead people even in the present. Today many can agree that whatever constitutes one being regarded as an African is not limited to skin colour, the shape of the nose, size of lips or religious affiliations. The continent is home to diverse people who inhabit all the corners of what is known as Africa.  Therefore, it is crucial to establish an empowering identity conceived in reason, logic and, most importantly, being sought from the existing common links. This must arrive after deeply examining our shared values, goals and progressive traditions that can inspire and cultivate unity. 

The economic sphere is another area where changes must be made for the continent to be better positioned in facing present challenges. Many years after independence, the continent continues to wallow in various economic instabilities responsible for the alarming poverty rate. The economic models have been greatly influenced by colonial systems. They haven’t adequately addressed the economic needs of the continent. The fact that they were meant to serve the interests of the imperialists and were created from a win-lose situation can explain why there are so many discrepancies in wealth distribution among the populations. 

The economic parameters used to measure progress and economic well-being are more effective in paperwork, but in most cases, they need to reflect the reality on the ground. The balance of trade is a major problem ignored when nations conformed in one economic pool. Today’s economic system does not consider that some economic powers were established by methods no longer applicable in our multipolar world. Some benefitted from the proceeds of imperial exploitations and governments being involved in the trade of illegal drugs, as was the case in the far east.  Despite being a victim of these ills, Africa doesn’t have to trod along this path. Another economic structure ideal for African trade needs and requirements should be established. This system should incorporate some indigenous economic practices that powered some ancient kingdoms. Research on their potential benefits should be carried out. These traditional structures should be institutionalized and incorporated into the new economic model if their vitality is established. 

The continent in the past has suffered at the hands of foreign powers and, being a victim of unfair treaties, should review and revise its rules of engagement. The mistakes and political gaps that created this destructive environment that facilitated these generational problems should be avoided at all costs. In today’s world, where advancement in information technology has made the world a global village, new interactions guided by mutual respect should be forged. Constructive engagement should be at the centre of any future discussions and cooperation. The days when the continent was at the mercy of developments in the international arena should become a thing of the past. The times when the nations were forced to pick sides in ideological struggles and have them branded as allies or foes have been overtaken by events. Shared vision and interest-based relationships should be at the forefront of building trade alliances. Conflicts brewed from power struggles and collisions of interests among global powers should be shunned completely. 


The roles and functions of major African bodies like the African Union should be revisited. Mechanisms for conflict resolution should be formulated. Africa –led solutions for achieving stability should be spearheaded. It is high time for these organizations to assume a firm and unitary stand on the integrity of Africa’s mineral and maritime resources. Improvements in governance dimensions should also be prioritized to realize greater positive outcomes that will help Africa shape its own destiny. 

Raymond Ndeto


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