Woman working


Uganda is an East African country, beautifully green and with people of diverse cultures. At the moment, it has about 63 registered tribes. Much as some of the tribes belonging to the same ethnicity, almost every tribe has its peculiar language, culture, and stereotypes. However, certain stereotypes cut across all the tribes.

Stereotypes are beliefs about a certain group of people, which may or may not be true. In Uganda, stereotypes are multi-dimensional. They cut across gender and age. Some maintain discipline, whereas, others, unfortunately just undermine certain groups in society, making these stereotypes even more vulnerable. Some stereotypes have faded away with sensitization and education. Yet, others continue to strongly co-exist with modernity.


There have been various stereotypes experienced in Uganda. 

Majority of the women in Uganda are not being allowed to contribute to decision-making and public discussions. Girls are not allowed to go to school in parts of Ankole and Kigezi in South Western Uganda in the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Presently, it is still held in almost all tribes or communities of Uganda that women should not be at the same level as men. A girl may not receive the same level of education as a boy in some areas because some individuals consider men are more suited for certain programs, particularly those in the fields of science.

Thus, it is a common error in Uganda to refer to female doctors as nurses and all male nurses as doctors, because the gender stereotype affirms that all females should be nurses and all males should be doctors. Gender equality is indeed a bizarre topic for most men as well as some women in Uganda. 

Furthermore, women get less respect and are stereotyped as housewives and even considered by more radical sections of societies as only important for childbearing. Following sensitization and the Universal Primary Education that was mostly free, some families would still not take a girl child to school. It is an unwritten rule that when it comes to leadership opportunities, men are often preferred over competent women.

Fortunately, Uganda has provided an opportunity to increase the representation of women in leadership. Each district now has a woman member of parliament as a representative. However, when it comes to other aspects of society, including employment portrayals, whether at entry-level or executive levels, the majority of women continue to be stereotyped. 


Uganda should therefore consider women for education and many other personal developments and serving opportunities. The country continues to lose very capable, talented and responsible leaders, employees, employers,  decision-makers from the majority of our population, which makes 51% of Uganda’s population being women. Individuals ought to be evaluated on the basis of their skills, not their gender. 

In a nutshell, Ugandans may still advance while coexisting peacefully, showing respect for one another, and preparing the next generation for a better life.

Dalton Ayebare


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