Women in African agriculture: How improving women’s rights helps the agricultural sector


The agriculture sector is a vital part of African society and the African economy. According to the World Bank, 62% of Africa’s workforce is employed in agriculture and 32% of Africa’s GDP is produced by the agriculture industry. African agricultural products are exported across the world and are a key import for many countries, who rely on the importation of African agricultural products to feed their people.

Furthermore, the agricultural sector is a key driver of economic growth and development in Africa. Employing such a huge proportion of the people of Africa, the future well-being and prosperity of many African people depends on the success of the agricultural sector.

Research also suggests that growth originating in agriculture has a big effect on reducing poverty – as the increased growth goes to the agricultural workers. The agricultural sector in Africa is incredibly important.


The importance of the agricultural sector means that its continued growth and success is also important. The African agricultural sector has been successful over the last 30 years. The growth rate has been increasing over this period. Agricultural GDP growth in sub Saharan Africa has accelerated from 2.3 percent per year in the 1980s to 3.8 percent per year from 2000 to 2005. This means that each year agricultural output is increasing by more than it had the year before. This growth has had a significant impact on reducing poverty in Africa. This is fantastic news for Africa and it is important to maintain this growth.


Much of the growth in the African agricultural sector over the last thirty years has been the result of expansion of agriculture into new areas of land. Africa is vast with much land that can and has been converted to the use of agricultural production. There is still lots of land, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, which can be successfully converted into agricultural land. However, it is important to look at other ways to increase agricultural production. At some point, there will be no more land for expansion. Improving agricultural productivity is the alternative way to increase production. Improving productivity means using the land and tools better so that the same land and tools can be used to produce more things.


Giving equal rights to Women will help achieve greater productivity in agriculture. Women already contribute heavily to the agricultural sector and make up the majority of the agricultural workforce. However, due to the laws and customs that dictate, they own a tiny share of the agricultural land. Male dominated customs have meant that men get given land rights over women. How can the agriculture sector develop to its full potential when over half the workforce so not have access to the same opportunities and rights?. When the workers aren’t allowed to achieve their potential, the sector isn’t allowed to achieve its potential. Allowing women equal rights in the agricultural sector allows a huge portion of workers to apply their skills and innovation to strategy and decision-making. This will allow the African agricultural industry to become more productive. Only when women are given the same full rights as men will African agriculture be able to maximise its productivity and its profit.

In conclusion, the future of the agricultural sector will be greatly improved through equal rights for women and the future of the agricultural sector is key for the continued prosperity of Africa. So the continued prosperity of Africa will be greatly improve through equal rights for women.




  1. mukehimana Sylvia 8 years ago June 9, 2017

    Wow it good program I am interested to join that program .

  2. Wanyonyi kashon 8 years ago June 20, 2017

    It is true that agriculture plays a vital role to the lasting solutions regarding a lot of challenges facing african people more so poverty. Therefore, women should be fully empowered and given equal opportunity in agriculture

  3. mezo 7 years ago March 22, 2018

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