Tagged as: Goma

Models walking the catwalk at a fashion show in Goma. Photo credit - VOA Africa

GOMA ALL STYLED: Between elegance, cultural identity and economic development

Introduction Goma is a city like so many others: bringing together people from different backgrounds with a great mix of cultures, trends, and traditions. Several nationalities, religions, tribes, and ethnic groups blend perfectly here. But is this the origin of her way of dressing? Yes would be the most obvious

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Goma ethnic marriage

The Promotion of Unity through Interethnic Marriage in Goma

Introduction: In Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, an innovative initiative aims to promote unity and mutual understanding between the different tribes of the North-Kivu region. At the initiative of Christian Mapendano, a humanitarian journalist, financial incentives are being offered to interethnic couples who decide to get married.

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