tips to healing the inner child in you

A Guide to Inner Child Healing

Introduction Have you ever wondered why certain childhood experiences continue to shape your adult life? Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who introduced the concept of the , believed that within every adult resides an eternal child, constantly evolving, seeking nurturing, attention, and growth to become whole. In his Inner Child

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digital footprint of children

ALL EYES ON ME? An overview of the impact of creating a digital footprint for infants and minor children.

Introduction What legal parameters should parents or guardians of prepubescent minor children be obliged to adhere to when uploading pictures or videos of their children?   This paper will explore concerns surrounding infringement of virtual privacy, bodily autonomy, consent, and undue enrichment. The mental health and psyche of children are

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Introduction If we start from the fact that every act committed by a human being, whether physical, emotional or mental, constitutes an attempt to preserve or improve the quality or duration of his or her life, it happens most of the time that the achievement of this major objective leads

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