
A 'Off-Limits' sign on preserved land. Photo credit - cfuzim.org

Fortress Conservation and the Perpetuation of Epistemicide in Africa

Introduction Fortress conservation is an environmental preservation approach that advocates for a strict separation between natural areas and human beings. This approach is based on the premise that nature protection is only effective when biodiversity spaces are isolated and monitored, often through the creation of national parks or protected reserves

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A general view of deforestation in action. Photo credit - Getty Images

How Deforestation Impact the Baka Pygmies

Introduction  Deforestation poses a significant threat to the Baka Pygmies, an indigenous group residing in the rainforests of Cameroon. For centuries, the Baka have lived in harmony with their forest environment, relying on it for food, medicine, and cultural practices. However, increasing deforestation driven by logging, agricultural expansion, and industrial

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A woman out in the field planting seeds. Photo credit - iStock

Seed Guardians: Women’s Role in Preserving Local Varieties

Introduction Women are the backbone of agriculture and seed management, particularly in rural communities where traditional seeds are essential for food security and biodiversity preservation. This reflection examines the role of Congolese women in conserving local seed varieties, highlighting women’s initiatives to collect, preserve, and share these traditional seeds, as

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A woman holding a handful of soil. Photo credit - Getty Images

Managing the Natural Resources in the Sahel: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction According to Wikipedia, a natural resource is a substance, an organism, an environment, or an object, present in nature, without human action, and which is in most cases used to satisfy needs (energy, food, etc.). The management of natural resources in this context of climate change constitutes real challenges

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A group of scientists in a lab. Photo credit - Meta AI

The Role of Nanotechnology in Advancing Renewable Energy in Africa

Introduction As Africa, and the world at large, seek sustainable ways of meeting the increasing energy needs, nanotechnology is emerging as a game-changer in the renewable energy sector. With that cutting-edge technology, being able to manipulate materials at an atomic and molecular level, it could actually change the way we

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A CO2 sequestration plant in Morocco. Photo credit - Africa Energy Portal

CO2 Capture: A Crucial Solution for Mitigating Climate Change

Climate change, fuelled by rising greenhouse gas emissions, represents one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely responsible for this imminent threat. In this context, CO2 capture is positioned as a crucial solution for mitigating greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. This technology, also

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Biosorption: Green Solution for Environmental Cleanup

Introduction The planet faces increasing challenges from industrial pollution and improper waste management. Scientists are turning to nature for sustainable solutions as conventional methods are introducing more harmful heavy chemicals into the ecosystem. The innovative method that gained attention is Biosorption, which uses natural, biological materials to absorb heavy metal

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Image by spotlight

The Need for a Rural Water Watch Initiative

“Pure and life-giving as it is, water doesn’t just appear; you have to go to it, and then there’s no guarantee it will be there when you need it,” Jeffries Bay writer Lindy Stiebel once said. Most of the Eastern Cape’s 1.5 million people live below the poverty line. In

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