All Posts by Ruth Zambo

Kickstart Your Semester: A New Academic Year Checklist for University Students

Introduction Hey university students! Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed about preparing for the new academic year? It’s normal to feel uncertain about your performance, but don’t worry. This article will provide you with a new academic year checklist to help you get organized and ready for a successful year

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Introduction Financial literacy is defined as the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills which include personal financial management, budgeting and investing. This article will look at the principles of financial literacy, the importance of being financially literate and how one can become financially literate.   What are the

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An insight into insomnia

Introduction Insomnia is characterised by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. A person who has insomnia will wake up too early and be unable to go back to sleep. Insomnia is classified into two groups depending on the duration which can either be acute insomnia which is short-term or chronic

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Dealing with social media addiction

Introduction Social media addiction is defined as a behavioural addiction that involves an excessive concern about social media to the point where the use of social media begins to have an impact on an individual’s health and daily life. Over 210 million people worldwide suffer from social media addiction. Young

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