All Posts by Oumarou Salissou

Father and child

The role and influence of the father in the construction of the child’s personality by the parental environment

Introduction Personality development based on the principles of social psychology begins with the family environment. In psychology, the family environment is considered to be the circle that prefigures the approximate knowledge of the individual, itself surrounded by a larger circle: society. Within the family circle, however, there is the parental

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Childhood and its meanings

Introduction According to the various studies carried out by scientists and the different observations that each of us makes empirically, childhood is the period of life when the individual has not yet completed his or her growth. The final stage of childhood would then be the end of growth. This

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Enhancing Food Resilience to Combat Climate Change in Niger

Introduction Niger boasts vast expanses of arable land, offering significant potential for improving its food resilience amidst the challenges of climate change. Spanning an area of 1,267,000 km2 with an estimated population of approximately 26 million, Niger comprises eight (8) regions, each endowed with diverse and substantial agricultural capabilities. Unlocking

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Education photo by adobeistock

Factors or causes of failure or maladjustment at school

Introduction When it comes to school failure in any country, accepted school administration practices generally identify four indicators that can be called factors of school failure: demographic, political, economic and socio-psychological factors. But when we go down to the countries where the system is not yet fully stabilized, these factors

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The Teacher’s Role in Building Children’s Knowledge in Learning Situations

Introduction One of the teacher’s most important roles in the construction of knowledge is to offer learners activities designed to develop the skills they are temporarily lacking. However, no definitive conclusions or value judgments should be hastily drawn from the findings of the learning moment. Let’s never say that a

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Vocational education

Essential Principles of Educational & Vocational Guidance

Introduction Educational guidance has a dual dynamic: changes in the socio-economic world and the individual’s personal development. For the individual to make an appropriate choice of profession or life, there are fundamental requirements and principles to satisfy. Psychological, family, institutional, and economic factors all play a role. Four factors need

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