All Posts by Nelly T Ndagurwa

A gender inequality and discrimination concept. Photo credit - iStock

Gender Inequality from a Cultural Perspective

Introduction Gender inequality and culture have a complex and multifaceted relationship, constantly interacting and influencing each other. Woven into societies’ fabric, gender inequality manifests through social norms and values, stereotypes and prejudices, and access to resources and power.    Social Norms and Values Gender Roles Roles and behaviours for women and

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Institutionalization: The Embedment of Ideas and Practices in Society

Introduction Institutionalization is a phenomenon. So, what exactly is institutionalization? Institutionalization is a sociological concept that refers to the process of establishing and embedding ideas, practices and social structures within a society or organization. It can also be defined as how things become routine, widely accepted and often taken for

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Brand Identity: Companies need to maintain their original brand identity in the age of new market trends constantly emerging

Introduction Standing out from the competition in today’s crowded marketplace is crucial than ever. So, how does a company truly stand out from its competition? The answer to this question lies in a powerful concept: Brand identity. This article outlines what brand identity is and explores key components that highlight

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