All Posts by Guy Beaudry Jengu Jengu

Humanitarian Aid

Balancing Protection: Should Men and Women in Humanitarian Aid Receive Equal Security?

Introduction Humanitarian aid workers face grave dangers while carrying out noble work in volatile conflict settings. For this reason, NGOs uphold duties of care for their staff in hazardous field sites, and the most important is comprehensive security risk management. However, there is an emerging issue of whether these risk

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Climate Change

The Crucial Role of Women in Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change

Introduction  Climate change mainly affects women due to their role in the home as well as guardians of traditional knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices in their community. However, they are often excluded from decision-making and environmental protection related-actions. Ensuring the effective inclusion of women in fighting climate change and guaranteeing

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Freedom of Speech

Endangering Freedom of Expression in Africa

Introduction Freedom of expression is the fundamental right of every individual to express his or her opinions, thoughts and beliefs without fear of reprisal or punishment by the government or other persons or entities. Violations of the right to freedom of expression are becoming increasingly visible in Africa. On January

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