All Posts by Dicosta Dimentosh Zimende

Schoolchildren going to a safe school. Photo credit - ChatGPT

Keeping Children Safe in Schools: A Priority for the Education Sector

Introduction School should be a place of safety where girls and boys can thrive and learn. It is a beacon of hope, pride, and joy for any school-going child, yet children are too often exposed to staggeringly high levels of violence, perpetuated by deeply ingrained social and gender norms, above

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An African young woman counting money, image by Adobe stock

Do traditional gender roles affect women’s financial decisions in Zimbabwe?

Introduction Traditionally men have been regarded as breadwinners in the family and that has slightly changed over the years. The confinement of women to domestic affairs has since changed as more women are now empowered and even earn more money than their counterparts. The challenge in this modern gendered society

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Navigating Change: Empowerment Starts with Community

Introduction The impact of community development is best shaped and determined by its own people. The shaping of the community wealth and wellbeing is best written and forged by communities themselves rather than external development theories or philosophies. It is against this backdrop that rural communities across Africa need to

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