Can fake rhino horns help prevent poaching?

What is poaching? Poaching is the illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals. This happens for many reasons, e.g. baby animals may be captured to become pets. However, poaching often happens because of demand for specific animal body parts, like elephant tusks or rhino horns.  There is demand for these

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Conservation of the Ethiopian Wolves

Africa is famous for its wildlife- animals like lions, zebras, elephants, rhinoceros and giraffes are often the first ones to come to mind. However, there are plenty of other animals that are found on the continent. The Ethiopian wolf (also known as the red jackal, horse’s jackal and Simien jackal)

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Why do giraffes have long necks?

Giraffes are one of Africa’s most well known animals. They are the tallest living land animal and can be up to 5 meters tall – the same height as a two storey building. This unique height is mostly due to giraffes’ long necks, which can make up half of their

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Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Against Disease

Diseases are often spread by mosquitoes. Some of the main diseases spread by mosquitoes include: Malaria, Zika, Dengue and Yellow Fever. Malaria caused the deaths of 435,000 people in 2017. 9 out of 10 of these cases occurred in sub-saharan Africa. Researchers are trying to combat Malaria by targeting the

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