A vaccine success story: Polio

WHAT IS POLIO? Polio is a virus that can cause permanent paralysis. It mainly affects children under 5 years old. Polio cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. If the polio vaccine is given multiple times, it can protect a child for life. THE MISSION TO ERADICATE POLIO The

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The Measles Outbreak in Africa

THE MEASLES EPIDEMIC IN AFRICA In Africa, eight times as many people caught measles in January, February and March of this year compared to last year. A 700% increase. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the worst affected countries. THE CURRENT SITUATION IN THE DRC There is

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The Costs of Vaccine Refusal

THE COST OF VACCINE REFUSAL Vaccines are a scientifically-proven way of preventing disease. However, many people both in Sub-Saharan Africa and in the West refuse to receive vaccines. This is often due to unproven myths and misinformation surrounding the purpose and side-effects of vaccines. Vaccine refusal leads to outbreaks of

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Developing a Malaria Vaccine

DEVELOPING A MALARIA VACCINE Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. It is particularly dangerous for young children and pregnant women. Malaria can be prevented by avoiding mosquito bites. There have been many efforts to prevent

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Braille – a written language for the blind

Braille is probably the most famous tool for the blind and visually impaired. It is a written language that can be ‘read’ with your fingers instead of your eyes. Instead of letters, the characters are formed of tiny raised dots. The person reading the braille can run their fingertips along

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What is the immune system?

When something happens that could be harmful to your body, it has a system to protect you. This is called the immune system. It is made up of several organs in your body. Some provide external protection, and some work inside your body to protect you from foreign substances. They

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What is mental health?

The term ‘health’ is commonly used to refer to someone’s physical health – however, another important part of someone’s health that is sometimes ignored is mental health. The term mental health refers to someone’s emotional well-being and affects how people feel, think, and act. Similarly to physical health, there are

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