All Posts by Abdourahamane Dabozi

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Local heroes: Recognizing the unsung personalities who contribute to the smooth running of elections in Africa

Introduction : Elections are a key element of democracy and play an important role in Africa’s political stability and economic development. However, elections are often marred by irregularities, fraud and violence, which can compromise their credibility and legitimacy. In this article, we’ll focus on the local heroes who work tirelessly

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The Education System and Entrepreneurship in Francophone African Countries

Introduction: The education system is a key element in the economic and social development of any country. In Africa, the education system has faced significant challenges, especially regarding access to education, the quality of teaching, and the relevance of the curriculum. In this article, we will examine the education system

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Recycling companies in Africa: sustainability and employment opportunities

Introduction: Africa faces major environmental challenges, such as air and water pollution, waste management, and deforestation. However, these challenges also offer opportunities for recycling and waste management companies. Recycling businesses can help reduce waste, protect the environment, and create sustainable jobs. Benefits and challenges : The benefits of setting up

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