A young girl dealing with the consequences of sexual tontines. Photo credit - iStock



A worrying phenomenon known as sexual tontines is spreading among high school and university students in Burkina Faso. It’s a degrading and depraved practice. What do sexual tontines really involve? What are the causes and consequences? What can be done about it? Is it prostitution or pimping, or in some cases, both?


What is Sexual Tontine

Men approach young girls and offer them sex in exchange for money. The girls are part of a group. One of them is chosen to have sex with one of the men in return for payment. On her return, the money she has received is given to another girl. Then, the next day, the person who received the money the day before a sexual encounter, hands it over to another girl, and so on, in turn. Indeed, there is a betting system. It starts with a stake of 5,000 CFA francs. Some girls subscribe two or even three times, depending on their ability to have several sexual encounters during the day. This means that they take their tontine according to the bets and in turn. And the tontine is done every day or every week, as the case may be. At the head of the group, a matron or a young girl is entrusted with the responsibility. 


What are the Causes/Consequences of this Phenomenon

There are many reasons for this: the breakdown of the family unit, poverty, the degradation of values, education, and so on. The consequences of this phenomenon include an increase in school failure rates and juvenile delinquency, unwanted pregnancies, sexual assaults, drug use, and sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV-AIDS and STIs.


What are the Solutions

It’s time for things to change because Africa’s development will only come about if it adheres to ethical principles. This is essential, regardless of the risks these girls face on a daily basis. The relevant authorities must step up supervision in schools. Parents must assume their responsibility as educators. Society must denounce those responsible for such acts. Young girls must be given an introduction to entrepreneurship and technical and financial support to help them achieve financial independence. It is imperative to multiply the number of listening centers for young girls in distress.



Africa’s development depends on education. But these sexual tontines are undermining a healthy education. All strata of society must take action to avoid a catastrophe for Burkina Faso’s education system and its distressed youth.

Karim Bako


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