Various herbs and roots for traditional medicine. Photo credit - Getty Images



According to a study published in 2009 by the United Nations, traditional medicine is practiced by 80% of the population in African and Asian countries. Given the importance of this practice, an African Day of Traditional Medicine (JMAT) was established two decades ago and is celebrated every August 31. What role does traditional medicine really play in the healthcare systems of African countries? What are its advantages and disadvantages?


Traditional Medicine: A Growing Phenomenon

African populations are increasingly turning to traditional medicine for their healthcare. In Burkina Faso, for example, it provides primary care for 80% of the population. Three recognized centers have even been set up in the country to take better advantage of this contribution. They also aim to create a favourable climate between traditional practitioners and those involved in conventional medicine, and to work towards better integration and accessibility of traditional medicine in the healthcare system.


The Benefits of Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine offers a number of advantages. It is based on herbs and minerals that are renowned for their virtues and proven healing capacities. It is also effective for long-standing health. It is also less expensive than modern medicine. However, it does have its drawbacks.


The Limits of Traditional Medicine

These include: the lack of scientific proof of its effectiveness in treating illnesses, as it is generally based on belief. Treatments can also have side effects, particularly with certain herbal food supplements. In addition, there is a risk of overdosing, as dosage instructions are based on speculation.



Traditional medicine is widespread in African countries. It represents a real alternative for populations in terms of their health needs. However, it has both advantages and disadvantages. It is therefore up to policy-makers to determine the extent to which it can be integrated into health systems, in order to make the most of its contribution.

Abdousalam Tall


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