A CO2 sequestration plant in Morocco. Photo credit - Africa Energy Portal

CO2 Capture: A Crucial Solution for Mitigating Climate Change

Climate change, fuelled by rising greenhouse gas emissions, represents one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely responsible for this imminent threat. In this context, CO2 capture is positioned as a crucial solution for mitigating greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. This technology, also known as CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), proposes a three-stage process to capture, transport, and permanently store CO2 emitted by various sources. In the face of the climate emergency, CO2 capture is emerging as an essential pillar in our quest for a transition to a low-carbon economy.

Three-stage process

CO2 capture, also known as CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), is a three-stage technology designed to capture CO2 emissions. These stages include CO2 capture, transport, and storage.



The first step is to extract CO2 from the emissions produced when fossil fuels are burned. Different capture methods are used, ranging from post-combustion to pre-combustion, offering flexibility depending on the type of plant.



Once captured, the CO2 is transported to suitable storage sites. These sites may be underground geological deposits, saline aquifers, or other geological formations suitable for the safe confinement of CO2.


At these sites, CO2 is injected and stored permanently, preventing it from being released into the atmosphere.



CO2 capture offers significant advantages in the fight against climate change. Firstly, it reduces CO2 emissions in sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as heavy industry. What’s more, it offers a smoother transition to renewable energies, enabling the continued use of fossil fuels while limiting climate impacts.



However, challenges remain. The high cost of implementing CCS remains a barrier, although considerable efforts are being made to make the technology more affordable. In addition, the need to guarantee the security of long-term storage raises environmental and social concerns that need to be addressed.



In conclusion, CO2 capture plays a crucial role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Although challenges remain, technological advances and growing investment offer encouraging prospects. If we are to mitigate climate change effectively, CO2 capture should occupy a central place in our arsenal of solutions.

Serigne Ndiaye


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