Biodiversity Image by Simgle.heart, 2020

Protection of Biodiversity in the World


The human race is largely on the verge of destruction, due to the disproportionate use of existing natural resources and the destruction of nature.

The Extinction of Biodiversity: What Damage has Man caused to Nature?

Biodiversity is the contracted form of biological diversity, which means the sum of the total number of individuals of all forms of life on the planet and which first appeared in 1988, the term was created by Edward Wilson. The destruction of biodiversity can be done naturally and by man. In natural destruction we have climate change and invasive species, in man we have: the practice of monoculture, deforestation and clearing, overfishing, pollution of soil, air and water, illegal mining. 


The Forests under Human Destruction 

Forests are under threat due to human actions, as is the case in: 1. Indo-Burmese regions (Asia-Pacific), due to the improper use of rivers, which has reduced the original inhabitants of the regions to 5%, 2. New Zealand (Oceania), the drainage of swamps and destruction of forests have also reduced the natural habitat to 5%, Madagascar and islands of the Indian Ocean (Africa), Agriculture, hunting and unsustainable logging, in addition to small and large-scale mining are growing threats. It is estimated that only 10% of the original habitat remains, 3. Afromontante forests (East Africa), are threatened by agriculture and the meat market, today only 11% of their original habitat remains intact. In this context, the main cause of biodiversity loss by man is the use of land for large-scale agriculture, corresponding to 30%, and the second is the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, with 20%. Climate change and pollution account for 14% and invasive species account for 11%. Around 75% of climate change is caused by humans.


Humanity at a Turning Point: What Can We do to Conserve Biodiversity? 

Although recent studies indicate that climate events are the main future causes of the extinction of humanity and nature, man has his role to play in prolonging the lifespan of the Earth. In this sense, some actions by man are urgent: Reduce, reuse and recycle materials, conserve water, create new protected areas, combat deforestation and habitat depletion, fight against pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil, and promote the practice of sustainable agriculture and natural resources. With these practices, man can in some way impact nature and reduce the negative impacts of nature and biodiversity.



Biodiversity is the set of living beings that inhabit the Earth. Biodiversity is under serious threat due to man’s actions, through deforestation, intensive agriculture, overhunting, etc. Intensive agriculture is the main cause of biodiversity loss. To reduce the impact on biodiversity, humans must focus on correcting their mistakes in nature and restoring it.


Joaquim Joao Soares


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