A man checking to its if his mouth smells, image by getty images

The Discomforting Struggle with Mouth Odour


Have you taken time to observe people’s facial reactions when you are directly speaking with them? Quite a good number of people are faced with the devastating state of mouth odour or what is known as bad breath or halitosis. Halitosis is a condition characterized by an unpleasant breath odour which is often caused by the buildup of bacteria in the mouth because of gum disease, food, or plaque. It is mostly caused by poor oral hygiene. In order to prevent or take care of this condition, consider the following lifestyle and home remedies.


Teeth-Related Tips

Regularly brush your teeth. Oftentimes, people ask: should one brush before or after eating? Always brush before eating to clean out bacteria that are already in the mouth and after eating to avoid the building up of bacteria through food particles in the mouth. Always brush your teeth before going to bed in order to maintain a healthy mouth condition. And also, how long does your toothbrush stay, you ask yourself? A year maybe? The minimum period for a toothbrush should be three months. Don’t allow your toothbrush to stay more than three months. Change it as soon as possible. Advisably, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. While brushing your teeth, please pay attention to your tongue. Many people don’t give time in brushing their tongue and this contributes a great deal in mouth odour. Your tongue collects bacteria and must be carefully brushed thoroughly to clean them off. A tongue scraper will go a long way to helping too. 


Your Diet Matters

Owing to the condition of your mouth, there are certain foods you are supposed to avoid especially during this period. Such foods worsen the condition. Excessive intake of sugary foods are a great contributor. Also, Stay away from onions and garlic as they can contribute to mouth odour. Keep your mouth moist. When the mouth is closed for a very long time, there are tendencies of bad breath owing to inactivity. Substances that also dry the mouth like tobacco, too much alcohol, spicy food or caffeine should be reduced or avoided. Taking plenty of water, chewing gum or sucking sugar-free candy to make more saliva can help keep the mouth moist.


When to See a Dentist

After practicing the above lifestyle and home remedies and the condition seems not to improve, it becomes important you see a dentist to diagnose the real cause of the bad breath as certain chemicals or gum diseases can be attributed to it. Don’t hesitate to see a doctor today!



As much as a bad breath brings about embarrassment to a person, it isn’t something to feel depressed about. It can be gotten rid of if the underlying health conditions are taken care of and proper lifestyle changes are made.

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ThankGod Uche Ihiekwe


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