Commercially Viable Products Driven by Indigenous Innovations


We are living in an age where countries are working hand in glove with stakeholders to promote indigenous innovations. This is the way to generate novel products on the market that are distinctively African. This is possible if indigenous knowledge is upheld to put motion to subsequent innovations. In Zimbabwe, this heritage-based philosophy is backed by Education 5.0 which is encouraging universities to come up with indigenous innovations to strengthen local industrialization.

Indigenous Knowledge

This is the knowledge that African countries have been using since the age of time. They range in their form but the essence is that they define who Africans are, their way of living, beliefs, and practices. Good examples are agricultural practices and medicines used to cure diseases coined as “muti.” From a modern-day perspective, this indigenous knowledge is being churned into indigenous innovations. 

Zimbabwe’s Education 5.0 

This is the mantra as of present to ensure universities generate graduates who are self-reliant and have bright ideas. In particular, proving how universities have moved away from only teaching. Students are putting theory to practice in a bid to outline that Africa isn’t a dark continent. Instead, the graduates have got what it takes to use available local resources to come up with indigenous innovations. On this good fight, no one is being left behind as industry is also playing a part in conjunction with high institutions of learning and African governments. Research of this kind is being promoted up to fruition as it leads to patenting. Such massive strides help the development not only of sole countries. They improve the whole of the continent placing Africa amongst other giants in the world.

The New Dawn of Baobabs Taking their Rightful Place in the World

This is one major indigenous fruit that has made its name for itself. Companies have drawn such Indigenous knowledge to their benefit into making indigenous innovations. This is the reason why one of Zimbabwe companies Dairiboard, through their “Cascade Baobab”, emerged as a finalist in the dairy innovations award held in USA. The fruit “Adansonia digitata” is known as a minefield rich in nutrients. This is just a drop in the ocean of the various kind of indigenous innovations that have been broached up by think tanks who noticed possibilities are ever surrounding the populace. In particular, these are the practices that have being done since the age of time that need to be coupled with technology to produce wonders. 


Innovations do come by, trying to solve day-to-day issues faced by people to add value to their lives. Thus, the presence of indigenous knowledge is for the masses to draw inspiration on how to come up with localized wonders. Nothing compares to the joy of having a sense of ownership over indigenous innovations. What better way to experience all this than through the help of indigenous knowledge? Staking our heritage claim through indigenous innovations.

Abigirl Phiri


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