People working from home

Remote working


The average employee spends 250 days in his or her department, carrying out the same tasks day after day. Remote working completely changes this way of doing things by offering a framework other than the usual one. A remote office can be either location-independent or in a fixed location. In general, all you need to work remotely is a laptop or smartphone and a reliable internet connection. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely? And which jobs are best suited to it?

The advantages of working remotely

With a remote office, you can choose every day where you want to work from. You’re not tied to a particular country or city.

The remote office is flexible: even when it comes to working hours. You decide when you sit down in front of the computer, so you can organise your schedule to suit you.

You no longer need to make daily trips from home to work

The importance of the well-being factor at work depends on very different factors. For example, you may have to comply with a compulsory business dress code, the office may not be welcoming or disagreements between colleagues may create a disturbing atmosphere. The remote office solves these problems because you choose your working environment.

The disadvantages of working remotely

Feeling alone: especially if you work exclusively from home, you isolate yourself from the social environment and can only interact with your colleagues or clients digitally.

On the whole, the flow of information is limited in a remote office: a question you ask a colleague requires more effort when you work remotely and often involves a delay.

Difficult to get ahead: if you’re not part of an entire team, it’s difficult to get noticed by the boss. Your chances of promotion are therefore limited.

The remote office lacks personal contact with customers and teams. This makes you easier to replace with cheaper competition.

Jobs best suited to working remotely

Any job that requires a laptop, smartphone and internet is generally suited to the remote office. Here are some of the most popular jobs: virtual assistants, online marketers, language translators, web designers, programmers.


With the development of digital technology, remote working has become popular. It has many advantages for the worker. However, it also has its drawbacks. Before taking the plunge, you need to ensure that you have the necessary conditions in place to succeed.  

Abdousalam Tall


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