A family is a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption that usually live together, interact and share many things in common. The definition of family differs depending on the people involved. But there is always some degree of kinship or affinity involved. In this article, we will discuss the types of families in Sierra Leone and which family type is predominantly practiced in Sierra Leone.
Types of Families in Sierra Leone
There are three types of family practiced in Sierra Leone; one/single parent family, nuclear family and extended family.
One/single parent family; this consists of one parent with one or more children. The parent can be single out of choice, death of a spouse, or as a result of separation or divorce. The children can stay with either the father or the mother depending on the situation.
Nuclear family, this type of family is made of two parents and their child or children. It is the traditional family set up that makes the majority of all families outside Sierra Leone. Thus, the nuclear family practiced in Sierra Leone, but not largely as an extended family. Nuclear family is mostly practiced in urban centers in Sierra Leone.
Extended family; this type of family extends beyond the nuclear family of parents and their children to include relatives – (related by blood or marriage) grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or other relatives who usually live under one roof. Extended families usually consist of two or more adults related by blood or marriage living in the same home.
Predominantly practiced family type in Sierra Leone
Extended family is the predominantly practised family type in Sierra Leone, wherein all members of the family including those related by blood or marriage or adopted live in the same house and look out for one another for the smooth running of their family. This type of family is practised mainly due to the economic activities and culture of many Sierra Leoneans. Thus, the aged normally look after their grandchildren; uncles and aunts help in bringing up the kids by serving as guardians and moral guarantors. They normally defend their nieces and nephews against internal and external aggressions and sometimes take up fatherly or motherly duties whenever the parent(s) of the children pass away, travel out of the country, divorce or separate.
Another extended type of family is the one that is polygamous in nature. Here, the husband marries more than one wife. For those who can afford it, the wives could be in separate houses but in the same compound or in the same house but in separate rooms. The wives sleep in turn on specific days in the week with the husband of the family. This in most cases is observed for religious and economic reasons. Religious reason; because Islam allows a husband to have more than one wife as long as he can take care of them. whilst for the economic reason surrounds bringing wealth to the family if they embark on farming or other economic activity, as many hands make work light, effective and efficient. Thus, yield massive results.
By and large, the practice of extended family in Sierra Leone is widely accepted by many and see it as a means to better shape/bring up youngsters in the best way possible for a better family, community and society at large.
Thanks all! I appreciate.
Nice Piece ✅
Education should be an equal right given to all children/learners from diverse family backgrounds in Sierra Leone. As such, it is said to be an inclusive education for all.
No partiality nor exclusion should be seen in schools.
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