Skin colours

THE BEAUTY OF YOUR COMPLEXION (Examining the 4Gs of Your Skin Colour)


As many as there are different countries, languages, and ethnic groups all over the world, so there are different Skin Colours. 

Despite the numerous skin complexions, all of them are unique and excellent. It’s a beautiful and colourful world that we live in. Diversity and variety are what make life Sweeter and Healthier.

Beauty stems from within with an unapologetic confidence in who we are, where we come from, how we look, our unique experiences, talents, gifts, and a firm connection to Nature. In this article, we answer one question in a bit to spur up this confidence in you and to inspire self-love.


Why do You Have the Skin Colour You Have

You have the skin colour that you have for four main reasons. I call them the 4Gs: Gender, Genetics, Geriatrics and Geographical Location.


Genetics in simple terms means a characteristic inherited from one’s biological parents. Our skin and hair colour is genetically determined and is due to the difference in the amount, form, and packaging of the melanin pigment in our parents. Now, you may be wondering “What is Melanin?”

Melanin is the pigment in humans that gives them their skin and hair colour. Therefore as chlorophyll is to plants, so is melanin to humans. Although with the difference in function, both pigments are responsible for colouration. The more melanin you have, the darker your eyes, hair and skin will be. The amount of melanin you have also depends on the sun exposure your ancestors had. This takes us to the next G (Geographical Location).

Geographical Location 

People in places where the Ultra Violet Rays of the sun are more intense like in Africa tend to have darker skin colours. This is a natural defense mechanism to protect the skin from the harsh rays of the sun.


Generally, female children from the same ancestor are often lighter than males. Studies depict that darker skin needs more intense rays of ultraviolet radiation to help the body synthesize sufficient levels of Vitamin D which is needed for calcium absorption. Females and males are normally not borne with this distinctive difference in colour. However, at puberty, most females become lighter in complexion as sexual organs develop. This is to help their bodies produce more Vitamin D in preparation for pregnancy and lactation.


As people grow older, the number of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) in their bodies decreases. Therefore, older people tend to be lighter in complexion than their younger selves.

Some Health Benefits of Melanin

  • You have a dark complexion, born and raised in the scorching sun of Africa. This is good, as your body needs vitamin D3 to absorb calcium from the food you eat. Calcium is the mineral that develops strong bones and teeth for you and your offspring, so you can climb high mountains, from Mount Kilimanjaro to Mount Cameroon, without wearing down.
  • Melanin helps protect your skin from any harmful rays of the Sun.
  • Some byproducts of our body’s cell processes called Reactive oxygen species(Ros) can lead to stress and premature aging. It can also play a significant role in the proliferation of chronic diseases like Cancer and Diabetes. However, our melanin helps boost antioxidants,  eliminates free radicals and scavenges for ROS. 
  • According to some studies, melanin may boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. 
  • Melanin also represents our identity and is the epitome of African beauty. 


Your natural melanin looks good on you. Unfortunately, you cannot get it once you lose it. Like plants whither for loss of chlorophyll, so you can degenerate terribly if you lose your melanin. Love your melanin and love others as you love yourself. 

Ngum Charissa Ngum.Charissa.Belembom


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