
Is Cameroon avoiding the gaze of depression?


In recent years, whether it is health problems, money problems with rising inflation, rising crime or disturbing political affairs, there is not much reason for an ordinary Cameroonian to be happy. In view of these events, one would have thought that there would be an awareness of the importance of mental health in Cameroon. Despite many attempts to raise awareness, the problems of depression are still a taboo and often ridiculed. However, it remains important for everyone to recognise the existence of depression, to have an idea of its symptoms and to raise awareness among those around us. 

Depression prevalence in Cameroon?

Depression is a mental disorder characterised by a mood disturbance that disrupts daily life. It is estimated that 3.8% of the world’s population suffers from depression. In 37 studies published between 2008 and 2020 in Africa among 97,616 adolescents, the prevalence of depression was estimated at 26.9%. Similarly, in Cameroon, one in three young people feel depressed. Specifically, in Douala in 2017, it is estimated that the prevalence of depressive disorders in general medical consultations was 32.5% for a diagnosis rate of 1.92%. A skepticism and neglect of patients with mental disorders by general practitioners were noted.


What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is a silent disease but also a big killer. A depressed person is permanently sad and loses all motivation, which leads to a slowing down of everyday activities. They have a feeling of uselessness and powerlessness with morbid or even suicidal ideas. Often, physical manifestations are also present.

As a multifaceted disease, it is not easy to detect depression. Its diagnosis must be made in the hospital, although the contribution of family and friends is essential. 

However, it is important to differentiate between depression and a temporary low mood. Depression is a state of deep distress that manifests itself in several episodes, each lasting at least two weeks.

Depression Management  in Cameroon

There is still a lot to be done in Africa regarding the management of mental illness.  If mental health diseases are not well taken care of in many African countries, Cameroon has a bleak picture, with 11 psychiatrists for 25 million inhabitants in 2020. These chilling figures make one wonder what fate awaits patients suffering from mental illnesses.


Depression is a silent killer. It takes away one’s energy and results in low productivity. However, there is a lot to be done about depression in Cameroon. This needs strategies ranging from educating the population, training more health professionals to care for patients, and creating hospital services and structures dedicated to depression. I am positive that, one day, Cameroon will look depression straight in the eyes. From this day forward, its citizens’ mental well-being will improve.

Lucy Andria Tchuenté


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