In part one of this article, we explored three common side-effects of pregnancy. These were: morning sickness, tiredness, and leg cramps. In this article, we will look at three more common symptoms, related to bowel movement and urination.
Constipation is the term given to the difficulty in passing stools (faeces, poo). It is especially common during pregnancy, and for six weeks after giving birth. It is sometimes caused by increased levels of a hormone called progesterone.
Among other things, progesterone relaxes your bowel muscles, which slows the movement of food through your digestive system. Bowel movements are also affected by your growing baby in the uterus (womb). This puts pressure on the rectum (the final part of the intestine where the stools are stored).
High fibre foods, drinking plenty of water, and light exercise are all ways to help prevent future constipation. You can also try going to the toilet first thing in the morning, or about thirty minutes after a meal. At these times, your bowels are more likely to be moving. Don’t take laxatives (strong medicines to encourage bowel movement) without consulting your doctor. Stool softeners may be safer than laxatives. Give yourself plenty of time to avoid straining.
Hemorrhoids are swellings inside or around the anus, caused by blood vessels increasing inside. Straining is the main cause of hemorrhoids, so it is common for everyone, not just pregnant women. Symptoms include: itching, aching, soreness and swelling around the anus; pain when passing a stool and mucus discharge afterwards; a lump hanging outside the anus; and bleeding when passing a stool. It may be better to use moist toilet paper rather than dry ones. The best way to treat hemorrhoids is to prevent constipation through diet and light exercise to improve circulation. You may wish to talk to your doctor about creams though these aid the symptoms of hemorrhoids, not the causes.
Frequent urination is a very common symptom of pregnancy. As with many of the other symptoms, it is caused by hormonal changes which mean that the bladder fills more quickly. Also, the growing uterus (womb) puts pressure on the bladder later on in the pregnancy. Avoid drinking less water to prevent frequent urination. If your urine is dark yellow or orange, you may be dehydrated. This is hard to avoid, but it may be helpful to avoid certain diuretic drinks.
Diuretic drinks make you need to urinate more often. They include tea, coffee, and fizzy drinks. Alcohol is also a diuretic. It is strongly recommended to avoid alcohol throughout the pregnancy. It is dangerous for your baby’s health and growth. When urinating, it is also helpful to fully empty your bladder by leaning forward and back. Frequent urination could also be a sign of a urinary tract infection. If you experience pain, burning, or blood-tinged urine when peeing, speak to a doctor.
We hope that this two part series on pregnancy side effects has helped or informed you. You can read the first part by clicking here. Remember, if anything about your pregnancy worries you, you should talk to a medical professional.