The benefits of growing trees and crops together

Trees can produce useful things like firewood, food for animals, material for building and natural fibres. However, areas where trees are growing could be cleared and used for food crops. It seems difficult to see how you can get both the useful products of trees and produce as much food as possible from your land.

In some cases, there may be a solution to this problem. Trees can be grown in between rows or areas of crops. Doing this is called agroforestry. In fact, doing this can be good for your crops as well. In some areas you may be able to get money from the government or charities for planting trees. You could check to see if this is the case in your area.


Trees can help make your soil better for crops. An example of this is nitrogen-fixing. Some African trees are nitrogen-fixing. Nitrogen comes from the air. Most plants need it to grow well but can only get it from the ground. Nitrogen-fixing trees take the nitrogen from the air and put it in the ground. This means that crops near them can use it.

Not all trees are nitrogen-fixing. This means that you should check to see if the tree you want to plant is nitrogen-fixing if you want this.

Land cleared for crops is often in danger of eroding. This means that the soil may be washed slowly away by water. Trees can help stop this. Their roots can help hold soil together. They can also trap soil that is starting to be washed away.

This means that there may be more soil for your crops to grow on if you have trees close by. It also means that water sources near your crops may be cleaner. They may not have as much soil washed into them.


Some crops need protection from strong winds or bright sunlight. This means that trees can help if you want to grow a crop like this. They can provide shade from the sun and shelter from the wind. An example of a crop which may grow better shaded is coffee (if you do not use fertiliser).

Some types of strong, thorny tree can block animals. This means that you can use trees planted around your crops to stop animals from getting in and keep the crops safe. This lets you save money because you don’t have to buy anything to make a fence.

A tree barrier like this may regrow if damaged as the trees grow back. For this to work you need to make sure that you have a solid barrier of trees all around your crops.


Many crops need insects to pollinate them. Pollination usually happens when insects like bees go from flower to flower. When they do this, they transfer a dust called pollen between the flowers. This is pollination. The flowers of many crops need pollen from other flowers to grow into fruits.

Patches of trees between your crop can be good places for these insects to live. They can provide nectar which the insects can eat.


Trees may block sunlight from your crops while they are trying to grow. You can avoid this by planting trees on the opposite side of your crops to where the sun shines most brightly. You can also prune or cut the trees when they grow out over your crops.

Some types of tree may lose their leaves during the time when your plants are growing fastest. This lets more sunlight get through to them. An example of this in some areas is the apple-ring acacia. This is found in parts of West and East Africa. It loses its leaves in the rainy season.

In dry areas trees may also use up water which your crops need. Making sure that there is enough water for both the trees and the crops is important if you want to try agroforestry.


Sometimes you can also grow some trees on pasture land where you have animals grazing. This lets you get tree products from this land as well. It can also give your animals shade and shelter. It is important to protect young trees from grazing animals which might eat them. The trees may also need thinning or pruning from time to time.



1 comment

  1. Dumba Gerald Sumanta 7 years ago April 3, 2018

    Please help me meet my dream i need more knowledge on how,which trees grow faster, profitable.


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