Behind a strong facade, a storm brews,
Tangled emotions, silent cries, deep hues.
The weight of the world sits upon his shoulders,
As he hides his troubles, feigning boldness.
He is told to be stoic, unfeeling,
To swallow his tears, to never break, unyielding.
But this pressure, this expectation, it’s a heavy load,
Tearing him apart, breaking his soul.
Men’s health is more than physical,
But men often ignore it,
Dismissing their struggles as trivial, a dim wit.
They endure in silence,
Believing it’s weakness to acknowledge their defiance.
Yet the toll it takes is immense,
Mental health, self-care, they’re far from pretense.
They’re crucial for well-being,
For life’s enjoyment, for a soul’s harmony.
Innovations in men’s health care
Are ushering in a new era.
They seek to understand,
The complexities of a man.
The impact of social norms is profound,
It often feels like a heavy shroud.
But it’s time to break free
From these expectations that cause us to bleed.
Men’s health matters,
It’s crucial, it shatters,
The walls that keep us caged.
As we enter Men’s Health Month,
We must remember the hidden weight,
That many men suffer,
That they endure in silence.
But with support, with understanding,
We can lift this heavy burden,
Bring forth a future where men’s health is unbound.
So, let’s talk, let’s listen, let’s care,
For men’s health matters everywhere.
Let’s support each other,
Through the pain and the strife.
For only in unity,
Can we conquer the fight.
Let’s break down the walls,
That keep men trapped inside.
For only in transparency,
Can we heal and abide.
So, let’s celebrate Men’s Health Month.
Description du poème :
La falaise représente les barrières et les obstacles auxquels les hommes sont souvent confrontés lorsqu’ils cherchent de l’aide pour leurs problèmes de santé mentale. En même temps, le ciel ouvert symbolise la liberté et l’espoir que l’on peut trouver en se libérant de ces obstacles et en recherchant du soutien.
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